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Cacti of the Old World

Author: Gordon D.Rowley

This 36 page book covers the Didiereaceae giving a description of the natural habitat, a history of the family, and discussion of the 4 genera: Alluaudia, Alluaudiopsis, Decaryia, and Didierea. There is also a section on Cultivation and helpful list of past synonymous names.

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Specific Details

Softcover: 36 pages
Title: Didiereaceae
Author: Gordon D.Rowley
Publisher: British Cactus and Succulent Society
Date: 1992
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
Language: English
Weight: 0 lbs 4.0 ounces

416 Central Ave | Long Prairie, MN 56347 | Phone (855) 838 2233

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